RV Site Builder
With every hosting plan, you get the awesome feature of having an application to build your own website. It lets you build your very own Web site using only your Web browser and a little spare time. In less than 20 minutes you can select from more than 800 ready-made site templates, brand one with your logo, color palette, and company name, add and customize as many Web pages as you like, and publish your new site to a hosting account with Damonaz Web Hosting.
Our SiteBuilder is an advanced website builder that enables you to easily create a website using a simple step-by-step process. If you don’t know how to code a site, or if you simply don’t want to spend the time, RV is here for you.
What you’ll get with RV is beautiful graphics, and the ability to interact with your friends or clients. You’ll be able to completely customize your site, and you’ll know exactly what your site is going to look like through its WYSIWYG environment.
Customizable Templates
The templates are completely customizable, too. Everything, right down to the smallest detail, can be completely controlled by you, giving you the ability to have a unique website.
Click Here [ View All Available Templates ]
Fully Integrated to cPanel
You can easily allow and disallow users, based on your existing hosting package using WHM Feature Manager or RVSkin Feature Manager (if applicable).
Advanced WYSIWYG Editor
Supports all Internet Explorer versions from 6.0 up on Windows, Netscape 7.1 up, Mozilla 1.4 up, Firefox 0.7 up or any other browser with an equivalent gecko layout engine on any platform where these browsers are available. This includes Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
Multi-Lingual Support
You can easily create your website in any language, with the exception of right-to-left langauges such as Arablic, which are not supported yet.